Hongji E-Valley, No. 23 Tongji West Road, Nantou Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China
As the professional manufacturer, we would like to provide you high quality Indoor LED Screen. LED displays offer many benefits, including continuous display of images, seamless splicing, and avoidance of common visual issues found in LCD video walls. Our LED systems are high quality and provide you with highly effective visuals, creating an impressive and satisfying presentation for your brand. We always stay pragmatic, ensuring that the products we design are beautiful and stylish, yet also catch people’s eyes and attract interest in your brand.
Prikaži večVabimo vas, da pridete v našo tovarno in kupite najnovejši, nizkocenovni in visokokakovosten LED zaslon za police. Dinamični oglasi na policah lahko pritegnejo več pozornosti, so uporabniku prijazni za namestitev in uporabo ter ponujajo vsestranske možnosti za prikaz videa, besedila in slik.
Prikaži večGuangzhou RGB Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. je bilo ustanovljeno v mestu Guangzhou leta 2005. Glavni proizvodi podjetja soLED segmentni zasloni, LCD zaslon, LED Module and Customized LED Color Displays. Our products are well-known in the market for their high-end, high quality, high reliability, and high environmental applicability, and are widely used in various household appliances.
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